SubjectProduct Detailed InformationType of appliancePV Component ConnectorModel No.PV-SN02/SYRated Voltage (VDC)1000Rated Impulse Voltage (V)8000Rated Current (A)30APollution Degree (1/2/3/4)3Overvoltage CategoryIIILow Ambient Temperature (°c)-40°cUpper Ambient Temperature ( °c )90 °cEnclosure Rating ( RTI and Flammability Class)UL94-V0Value Range of Cable Clamp5.5-6.3mm diameter for cableRated Cross Section of Conductor2.5mm2 or 4mm2Degree of Protection (IP Code)IP67Plug Power30N-80NContact MaterialCopperInsulation MaterialPPOAuthenticationTUVWire length85mm or Arbitrary length
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